Thursday 23 July 2015

Books Before Marriage

I acknowledge that this is a ridiculous premise, but there are a few books that I think the person that I will eventually end up with should read. Partly to understand me better, but also to see how I might deal with situations through those stories...

I know people have films that they share with their partners that explain and reveal how your other half grew up, so maybe it's not that bizarre to share your books as well. This is my list of books that I think need to be read before you shack up with this book worm. 

Pride and Prejudice
I grew up on this story. I don't care if you just want to watch the film, because in truth I only read the book this year! But I did grow up loving these characters and buried in their lives. I'm sure that as you read/watch the story you'll find some keys to unlocking my character. Also why you should buy a big white shirt.

Blackberry Wine
For the words. Where ever I spend most of my time, I always pack my copy of blackberry wine. It's beautiful and it always inspires me to write and to read. You will see it on my shelves right now. Read this to figure out why I'm so obsessed with books, and gardening.

Ready Player One
If you are going to understand the tiny apprentice geek that lives in my soul, please please please read Ready Player One and help me achieve the next level of geekiness.

Laura Ingles Wilder Series
Get to grips with the inner simple farm girl in me that reading these stories fostered. I absolutely love the picturesque little family life in these books. Maybe just read one...I definitely think that my idyllic vision of my future family is hugely influenced by this series. Also, recipes for popcorn balls...

American Psycho
There's a little psycho in all of us. Right? I loved this book because it was shocking and weird. I think I can be shocking and weird sometimes. There are quotes in this that I think are absolutely necessary to navigate society with: "I want to fit in." Also: "I'm thinking Dorcia. Wear something fabulous."

My Salinger Year
For an understanding of the bizzare world of publishing that I desperately want to be a part of. Read about the miserable internships, the terrible pay, the procedural nightmares and the books that make it all worth it.

I'm sure there are more but at these are the books that explain me right now at 24. Read them. I await the diamonds.

NB: No immediate plans to marry anyone. Everyone relax.

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