Thursday, 10 March 2016

Questions for Book Lovers

TAG GAME!!!! These questions are taken from Hello, Abibliophobia and I thought they were really fun to answer. I've tagged a couple people to answer them next, I can't wait to see some of your answers.

1. What is the first book you read by yourself?
I cannot remember exactly, but maybe a horrible histories book? Or maybe one of the ladybird books. I remember my readers when I was in Kindergarten. I wonder if they count.

2. Did your parents read to you before bed? If so, what did they read to you?
Yes, definitely. My mum read to me for sure! I don't remember my dad doing it so much, but we used to giggle more. My mum read from a book called Bedtime Bunny Tales. Each one takes ten minutes and they are brilliant.

3. Name a movie that is better than the book.
Harry Potter springs to mind. I gave up on the books quite quickly. I just lost interest, but I love watching the movies, controversial...

4. What was the worst movie adaptation of a book?
The Shipping News. Sorry Kevin Spacey! To be fair I didn't love the book either.

5. Outdoor or indoor reading?
Outdoor, but only in the sun and out of the breeze. It has to be full on blazing to lure me out into the real world, but you bet I'm bringing a book.

6. Book you're most embarrassed to have never read?
I would love to read all of: Dickens and Austen. They're my favourites and I am always surprised I haven't read them all.

7. Most embarrassing book you have ever read?
All of the Sabrina the Teenage Witch Books...

8. Worst book you ever read or stopped reading?
OneHundredYearsOfSolitude. Does anyone have paint to watch dry? I'd be more interested.

9. Do you prefer digital or paper?
Paper, but I have a kindle for holidays and cheap books!

10. What character would you like to suckerpunch in the face?
At the moment... Emma. Two faced, and dumb as plank.

11. What character would you like to be best friends with?
Ooo maybe Lizzie Bennett. Long walks and bitching about our men? Sounds perfect. Also sounds like my current BF...

12. How many physical books do you own?
Errr, including the ones in the loft? I'm not sure anyone answering these questions can answer that specifically. I can tell you how many my SO has though: 1.

13. What book do you want to make sure to read to your children?
I'd love to read Laura Ingles Wilder with them, and The Narnia books, and things like Jungle Book, and the original fairy tales.

14. What book describes you best?
I have written a blog on this very subject. These are the books that sum-up ME at 24. If you have read all of these, you might have some insight into my reading habits and me: Books Before Marriage

15. What are you reading right now? 
Check the top right corner of this page for my 'currently reading' slot. At the time of writing it is Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts

These are brilliant questions, feel free to answer them yourself as well to keep the tag going.

I tag Fangs, Claws and Wings, Chic it Yourself, Need to Read, Got to Watch, The Queen of Teen Fiction, and Books, Biscuits and Tea

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