Thursday, 8 May 2014

A Start In Books


This is where I blog about the experience of being an English graduate trying to get a job, the internship journey, and the books I'm reading along the way.  I might also use it to review films, discuss media stories, or anything else I'm interested in. 

I am playing a tough numbers game.  I've worked as an intern in a few different departments and I know that being in the editorial department of a publishing company is where I really want to be. But my main criteria for a job would be to keep me focused and busy and to have books that I want to read at my fingertips. So really as long as I am at a trade publishers, I'll get exposure to that. 

In order to get that dream job, you need experience. Unfortunately earnest desperation doesn't work in publishing and sometimes internships don't work either. I've learnt that you have to be at the right place at the right time, which means choosing the right internships. 

This is the route I've chosen into publishing.  When I started out I asked around my family and my friends and my university to see if anyone could really give me the contact I needed for a job. But almost all my internships have come from my own perseverance and determination.  

I'll go into more detail as the blog develops, there is so much to talk about and I can't wait. I want to show what I am reading and doing and working on and to create a scrapbook of my bookish quarter-life crisis. 

This is me. I'm a publishing intern. And I'm just getting started.

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