Monday, 1 January 2018

150+ Things I did in 2017

1. Whispered 'Happy New Year!" with F,M,N,E
2. Gave up chocolate for January.
3. Hip Hop visit to Wonderland ROH with Z,N,T
4. First Demo of the year at ISH
5. A Christmas Carol with M&Z
6. Return to therapy
7. Greenwich Planetarium
8. Changed my first nappy
9. Powerwalking with K
10. Applying to jobs again.
11. Ballet Barre Fitness class and Petersham nursuries with K&K
12. Grown up dinner party with M, K + V
13. Chinese new year dim sum with F,Z,E and N for Cake.
14. Big Idea brainstorming.
15. Birthday house party for H
16. Freestyling at The Bridge
17. Gatsby night out with Z and LULU!
18. Caught Gastroenteritus again.
19. Family meal at Berber & Q with I,D,K,P, P
20. Houseparty at M's house.
21. Private lesson with R,V, M
22. Big breakthrough in therapy.
23. Houseparty with D
24. Bristol Switch and baby bonding with F,M, E, Z, N
25. Sleeping Beauty Ballet with Z at the Royal Opera House.
26. Ceildh Dancing with Z Febuary AdventureZ
27. Big idea pitching.
28. Moved house with K&P
29. Meet S&T for first time in 4 months.
30. Blackpool World Modern Jive Dance Competition 6th place Intermediates with RS. 1st place in BOTS with N. Lots of dancing and time with E, F & M.
31. Demoing and leading for Beginners Plus workshop.
32. Trial of Hello Fresh boxes.
33. Dirty Great Love Story with Z, N, M, T followed by Snogs
34. Work Social at Hurricane rooms
35. Ballet Barre Fitness Class
36. Aquarium March AdventureZ with Z
37. Housewarming feast with K,P, D, I
38. Gatecrashing Mothers Day with F, E, M & N. Big Bath Bash.
39. First West Coast Swing Lesson
40. London Zoo April AdventureZ with Z Private lesson with R, V, M
41. Lindsey Stirling with Z
42. Spring Senses event with DA
43. Istanbul, Met M in town for wandering around Taxim.
45. Made soap! Made secular hot cross buns.
46. London Champs. Semi Finals Lucky Dip (RW), Semi Finals Pro-Am (DA), Third place <25 All Stars RS, Second place Great Escapee BW.
47. Market research w K, H, and T!
48. Bristol visit. baby swimming, sleep success.
49. Catch up with KE
50. Athens, Birthday Party, Family Gathering.
51. Ghost Dances show with T, S, M, N & Z.
52. Jamie's Wedding with The CREW! S,J,C,C & C. #MoreWine
53. Tenant Drama Week.
54. Demoing at E's Wedding
55. BBQ and Houseparty for my Birthday.
56. TURNED 26! Birthday cake with K in the park, pub lunch and bingeing Netflix.
57. First houseviewing!
58. Trip to Belfast. Rope bridge, Dark hedges, giants causeway, derry town walls, family time.
59. Double Trouble practice.
60. Vote and sorting out at DD.
61. Kinky Boots K, D, I
62. Picnic with K
63. Spoke on stage at The Moth storyslam #lifegoal
64. Ping Pong Dinner with M
65. Legs with A, M, K, P gave birthday presents.
66. K's 30th Birthday
67. Cooking Dim Sum with Z. June AdventureZ
69. Kelsey's other birthday
70. Pimlico with K
71. Using a mooncup for the first time
72. Camber. Teaching Double Trouble and Spotlight performance.
73. Housemate Dramas
74. Shitfaced Shakespere w/M,K,Z
75. WCS lesson with RS
76. Catch up with CU #CheekyNandos
77. Selling room, New housemate.
78. Job interview and Sent my first rejection email.
79. Hot dog date with Z. Pays to be keen.
80. Dinner at Tootoomoo with KE.
81. Rabble Games fitness.
82. Birthday pub/picnic in the rain. S,M,E,F,N,Z
83. Kew gardens w Z July AdventureZ
84. Don Quixote Ballet
85. Housemate Dramas continued. Moving in. Not moving in.
86. Many many tears at therapy.
87. Lesson learned do not go to a garden centre with AH.
88. CLMJ Summer Picnic. Back to the dating game. Pub Quiz. Poi dancing.
89. Throwing out junk at home. Seeking Joy.
90. learning BSL script for Z with RF
91. Dinner with K & P
92. Wedding in Windsor with P, M, Z, N, S, T, R
93. Cat sitting adventure begins. Wedding Brunch
94. Golf and Galvin Chapelle for Z's Birthday
95. Sick week that's not a sick week just can't face work.
96. Interview at PC
97. Impromptu day out to Reading to see E and F
98. Unexpected close up magic at the Magic Circle with N and LB
99. Last minute date night DT
101. PC Part 2!
102. Bristol hang out with E and F, Private lesson with M
103. PC Final round
104. Celidh dancing with D
105. NEW JOB!
106. Dinner double date with S,Z,N Chinese food.
107. Buckingham palace AdventureZ Z,F
108. Competed at Welsh Champs. Out of everything.
109. Over with D. :(
110. Start BSL course
111. Last therapy session
112. Shadowing at DueDil and GoCardless, Office Manager meetup.
113. Alice in wonderland ballet with J,M, F, Z
114. Mummy in London :) Dinner at Du Beauvoir Arms
115. Shipwrecked at RUMPUS.
116. Photoshoot at Bridge and Tonez
117. Roti king dinner with M
118. Catch up with H
119. Date night with T
120. Catch up with DS + L
121. Dimsum and chill with C,A,E
122. Dinner at Bao with K
123. Dinner and Tequila with Hurst girls. Impromptu dancing with RM.
124. Catch up breakfast with N at OZONE
125. Halloween at WBY
126. Featured as one of the most popular singles in London
127. Camber Bliss and double trouble showcase
128. Meditated on the beach.
129. Cinema night with Family.
130. Signed up for BSL level 1
131. Lord Mayor's Show and Adventures with N. So many happy memories. :)
132. Stratford slide with KKM
133. Signed contract for the house I have lived in for three years.
134. Deafinitely Theatre Play
135. Survived the Clerkenwell Fire. Did good fire wardening.
136. Cake and adventures with N in Lee Valley
137. Deaf meet up in Leicester square
138. Bridge dancing :)
139. Massis tea #letdown. O2 Arena Steps with Z, TGIF.
140. Deaf coffee meet up. Hyper Japan w DS
141. Rumpus, SO, MB, Z
142.Tower of London MB, Z
143. Dinner with family at Flour and grape
144. Sushi with S
145. Passion Christmas party
146. BSL carol service
147. Beauty and the Beast MB, AL, N, Z, F, T, FA, SO
148. First London snowfall - Poi
149. Monochrome painting viewings
150. Passion Christmas lunch
151. Frame debacle on Oxford street.
152. Panto with RK,JDD,BG, and CJ :D
153. Bristol visit
154. Nutcracker K, Z, MB, N
155. Great Gatsby immersive SO, MB,VP, MB, N, Z
156. Birthday hangout N,Z,FA,S
157. Christmas in Athens, dance outfits, Carols, Nutcracker, acknowledgement, love and support
158. Glorious days at home in Kurtkoy with mummy and Alan. Skinned a chicken.
159. Birthday surprise C, A, E
160. Seeing in the New Year with N, Z, S, SO,

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