Thursday, 26 January 2017

Pitch Party

Every now and then I struggle to come up with blog posts and that's when it's time for a pitch party. I take a look at the next couple months, what is the season, what am I up to personally, what I am reading, what do I WANT to be reading? I make a BIG list of blog titles with a rough idea of what I am planning.

Now, I know that I am conjuring possibly the wrong image for what actually happens. As much as I would like to wear a tiny party hat and put on some pop music and invite all my friends, picture instead me curled up on my bed with about 4 different notebooks and scraps of paper that I try to organise into ideas. There isn't even wine at this party, but there are books, and that's MY kind of party.

I know I will write a review blog every month, so that's locked in. I know the new year will be full of resolutions and December is wish list posts and Christmas themes. Summer is the holidays, Autumn, and spring all remind me of different books and make me think of different things to write about.

Having these pitch parties for my self are a great way of stimulating my excitement for my blogging and getting ideas down on the page. And if I don't get around to writing the blogs in the right timeline then I have a stock of ideas left over from last year to work off of.

It would be great to have ideas from other people, but this is just for me and I am on my own on this blogging adventure. I do this purely in my free time, and I only write for my friends and family who occasionally drop by to indulge me. (Hey, guys!)

Getting views on my blog is hard work, many people won't drop by to read unless I share a link on social media, which means I have to dedicate time to promotion. I am trying to build blogs that might spark views on their own without promotion, which is why my pitch parties are essential. How can I make this attractive to readers? Is this a blog I would want to read? How can I tag this to be viewed as much as possible?

If anyone has any ideas of blogs for me to write in 2017 please feel free to pitch to me! Until then, I will keep having quarterly pitch parties on my own and try to come up with new ideas...

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