This idea has been around for a while now, I remember seeing it online a few years ago and I think it's a great idea. These Little Free Libraries are springing up in residential areas. I know of two within walking distance of my house! They are little boxes with books inside which are free to take and exchange.
I think this is a brilliant way to get people interested in reading, particularly children. If I were a parent and I were to stumble upon a miniature library I would be letting my children rifle through the books for something they wanted. Most of the books are for children or teens, and I think that's probably the best thing.
It's such an intriguing thing to see, these little glass fronted boxes perched on the front garden wall full of books. As with all book exchanges, the quality of the books varies and I think it pays to go back and revisit one of the less promising ones a few weeks later because the books change. To combat the problem of the quality of the books, the only thing to do is donate your own better quality paperbacks, even though that doesn't solve the problem from your end if everyone has a similar philosophy, the whole community ends up with the occasional gem.
Talking of quality, charity shops won't include damaged or soiled goods, they've got to be resellable, I think the same has got to go for Little Free Libraries, A tea stain or a wrinkled bottom from the bath is probably alright but some of the donations I've seen are falling apart to such an extent that it would be impossible to get through without losing a chunk of the pages. It's something to bare in mind if you're thinking of donating a book.
Since finding that there is a community of book swapping going on in my area has given me yet another outlet to clear off my shelves. I am in the process of disposing of some teen books left over from my previous job and as soon as they are all accounted for I will have a few left over which could potentially go to both of these Little Free Libraries. (I might include a little card that recommends the website) If I'm not able to donate those then I will just start collecting books I think would be good to donate. Who knows I might even find something for me to read!
You can find out about setting up your own Free Little Library here and find out a little bit more about the whole thing!
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