My October Reads are happening early because of Na No Wri Mo in November I am trying to go easy on myself blog wise. Hey, I'm writing 50000 words over here!!
My theme this week is books and their possible or existing movie adaptations.
Heir of Fire
Sarah J Maas
Bloomsbury Childrens 11/09/14 paperback
Book review for Bloomsbury
I would love to see all of The Throne of Glass series as a TV series or a Film but because of the set up of each book, I think it will probably work better as a TV series.
My full review can be read on Movellas here.
The Great Gastby
F Scot Fitzgerald
Free classics collection on Kindle
'What Gatsby?' I absolutely loved this book. I came to it rather late, it was one of those amazing books that I never got around to reading. Notoriously, I tend to shy away from American fiction. I wasn't exposed to it as a child, we never had it in the house and so the titles are unfamiliar and here I am at 23, reading it for the first time.
I admit that I had Toby Maguire's voice in my head from the movie, but it didn't take away from how much I enjoyed the book. I'd been to uni with people who had studied and loved it and I also listened to book club podcasts and all kinds of things, I had basic background knowledge I'd absorbed from the zietgeist.
I wanted to forget all that analytical stuff when I was reading it but it was nearly impossible not to notice it.
Over all I thought it was captivatingly written and a short easy read. It made me want to read for a copy of Waugh's Bright Young Things.
Mary Wolstencroft Shelley
Free classics collection on Kindle
Of course, what else for Halloween. Every year I read a gothic/themed novel over October/Halloween period. Last year was Dracula, which was awesome, but I didn't have a blog back then! As usual it took almost half the month to finish it. I know my reading habits a bit better now and so I knew that a more difficult read would need at least 15 days.
Frankenstein was really sad! A sequence of horrid and tragic events. I was disappointed by a marked absence of the line: "IT's ALIVE". In fact the building of the monster is rather anti-climactic in the book. Reading it properly has cast aside many a cobweb about the story, I had a lot of assumptions which I assume everyone else did too. I was SURE that Dr Frankenstein teaches the monster how to speak - not true.
It just seems like a mad little story. Maybe I'm jaded in my reading but Frankenstein didn't satisfy my need for realism.
There is no grade for it so far, because as of the time of this post, I haven't finished it, but y predicted rating is probably 6/10. Sorry Mary Shelley. BUT I am really excited to see the new Frankenstein, staring Daniel Radcliffe and James McAvoy coming out Oct 2015
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