Thursday, 10 January 2019

150+ things I did in 2018

  1. Saw the new year in with S,G,SO, Z, N,
  2. C's Studio 54 Birthday Party
  3. First date of 2018
  4. Joined a gym
  5. Hang out at Zs house with F, N and NS
  6. Got a filling
  7. Started Level 1 BSL
  8. Work pub quiz
  9. Caught a mouse
  10. Visit from CJ
  11. Graddaughters dinner K,K,M,N,P+P(honored guest)
  12. Catch up with NL
  13. Deaf pub meet up
  14. Date with CE Tootoomoo
  15. Catch up with KE On the Bab
  16. Rumpus Dhal and Dali  S, MB, Z
  17. 6 mile hike London Loop K, P, I, D
  18. Brunch with CE!
  19. Dinner with CE Bang Bang before dancing (Restaurant)
  20. The Comedy about a Robbery with M, S, MB, Z
  21. Catch up with DS
  22. Amadeus lone theatre trip 
  23. Accidentaly broke my chocolate streak. Twice. 
  24. Z drinks
  25. If you like southbank adventures, and getting caught in the rain ... F+E
  26. Truth or Drink CE
  27. First Camber rehearsal
  28. Bun House and Members Bar with S
  29. Baked Bread!
  30. Did spring weeding in the garden
  31. Caturday and Mario Cart hang out with A, C, J and the Kittehs
  32. Tried to sort out my Pension
  33. Dinner at Bala Baya with K and BFI Romy & Michelle's High
  34. Neverland immersive theatre night with BW, N, Z, S, MB
  35. BSL Unit 101 Assessment 
  36. Walk to Alexandra Palace with Z, N, S, T, 
  37. Zs leaving days made raspberry cheesecake 
  38. Snow week
  39. Break up with CE
  40. Blackpool World Modern Jive Dance Competition 4th place advanced with RS. 2nd place in Advanced Jack and Jill. Handed over BOTS title to Z and S.
  41. Last dance with Z, Z ring of fire, much much crying 
  42. Family Dinner @ Yosma
  43. Red Sun Dinner with work 
  44. Camber Storm
  45. Hang out on the Melnes with P, M and N
  46. Deaf pub meet up 
  47. Boat sitting adventure in the Snow plus visit from K & P 
  48. Bun House and catch up with M 
  49. MotherMash and catch up with K 
  50. Lunch with cousins K, M, K  
  51. Congratulations DA and SA, now man and wife
  52. Long lazy hang out with A and C
  53. Bonnie Gull Dinner out 
  54. Flu
  55. Bath adventure. Foxhill BnB Sully Lunns breakfast, Uni Lake walk, muddy adventure, Spa. Roman Baths, Jane Austen centre, Riding lesson. Weston Super Mare, hang out with M, F, E
  56. Ikea trip with N & N. Got fruit bowl stuck on head. 
  57. Rumpus Fools Ghools and Jewels with A&C, S&MB
  58. First opera - Marriage of Figaro
  59. Dog sitting Winter
  60. WBY Girls night
  61. Picnic for London Loop Litter Pick
  62. Manon Ballet
  63. London Ceroc Champs - 3rd place with RS in All Stars Mids,  9th place Top Cats!
  64. Post Champs massage
  65. Birthday BBQ 
  66. Cleaning N's new house 
  67. Visit Miami, held a snake, day drinking, memorial day, modern art museum, hot dog BBQ, caught in the rain, mousse maki fusion dinner, drunken cooking, birthday cake for breakfast, sun burnt, trolley bus, 
  68. Rumpus: Rainbows and Rayguns S&MB, M
  69. Helping P&K at Wedding
  70. BSL Unit 2 exam. 
  71. Date with E in Hyde Park. Spinning Poi more fun. 
  72. Trampolining with Cousins and Brunch. 
  73. Housewarming BBQ w/ GA and N
  74. Marylebone Street Fayre Dancing!
  75. Birthday hangout with K&P Biriyani and cake :D
  76. IBZ trip with work
  77. Northern Champs: 5th Lucky Dip with Jay, 4th Top cats amateur, 4th Fix Freestyle RS, 2nd ProAm MW
  78. Massage at home on day off. 
  79. Unit 3 BSL Final exam
  80. N house for dinner and movie. YAY visitors! Midnight deer feeding run. Serious foxy fear.
  81. First Park run 5K 37:54 mins :D 
  82. Armed Forces Day Parade and Gardening at Ns House
  83. WCS in Taunton with F
  84. Gromit hunting with E & F splashing in the fountain. "In the middle" signing and learning to say Fffffffish!
  85. Summer cold ugh
  86. Granddaughters dinner with N&P, K&P
  87. Swan Lake Great Masked Ball with N,S,MB
  88. Dinner with KE at NY fold
  89. Park run! 37:04 mins
  90. WaterPoet pub for LL
  91. Hyper Japan with DS
  92. Revamping CV 2018
  93. Chase the sun run 36:02
  94. Incredibles II and catch up with HR
  95. Volunteering at Highbury Fields park run
  96. Cat and boat sitting for the week. Visit from MK 
  97. Phone call in the park
  98. Dinner and catch up with MK
  99. SO's birthday indoor picnic
  100. Finsbury Park Park run: 36:28
  101. Boat invasion dilema
  102. Park run 37:06
  103. Take home task
  104. Back injury! 
  105. Cat Sitting again 
  106. Z in UK
  107. Bristol tea dance with Z, N
  108. Cake gate
  109. Picnic in the park
  110. BSL catch up H &A
  111. Zurich trip to visit ACB hair dye bedroom painting spa friendly dinners glacial waters sunbathing chocolate & pizza
  112. Mugen dinner with DS, LN, S
  113. CE and DL
  114. Park run 36:46
  115. Doctors and Dentist (filling)
  116. Meeting Babbis 
  117. Boxfit class 
  118. Visit Ks new house Snackistan
  119. Park run 37:14
  120. Fried chicken date with KE
  121. Birthday weekend in Bristol F, N, E, M 
  122. Drinks with Trash. :D
  123. Park run PB 33:52
  124. Made shoe wings for Rumpus with N
  125. Bristol Tea Dance with N, F, E, M
  126. Street Jazz class
  127. Welsh Champs Top 6 in Advanced, 1st in lucky dip, Top 6 in Pro Am
  128. Work Appraisal
  129. Off sick (depression)
  130. Silc Workshop w/ RS
  131. Mushroom hunt with K, I, P, D
  132. Trip to visit Turkey Bonus trip to Cyprus. Job applications
  133. Kiln for Dinner with KE
  134. C&A Halloween Party - Wore Rumpus outfit (Mercury/Hermes)
  135. Probono dance lesson for E&S
  136. Interviews with L and SW
  137. Date night M & Date night M
  138. Dinner with DS
  139. Midnight showing of Fantastic Beasts
  140. Swing V experience 
  141. Literary evening with N
  142. Driving lesson with N
  143. Birthday dinner with ME
  144. Roast and hang our with C&A
  145. House sitting at home in Turkey
  146. Interview week. 
  147. Passion Christmas Party
  148. Got a new Job!
  149. Fight with N
  150. Dinner with KE (Chick n Sours)
  151. Last night with DL. 
  152. Matthew Bourne Swan Lake 
  153. Dinner with MK
  154. Visit with Babbis
  155. Christmas
  156. Athens trip! What a way to round out the year. :D
I think a pretty good year in terms of happiness and have definitely had less sadness and more adventures. 

Thank you for all my family and friends who have stuck by me and taken me on my journey this year. Here's to the next! 

Thursday, 3 January 2019

2019 Resolutions

Happy New Year! Here are my resolutions for this year. Help me decide on the skill I develop! 
  1. Read 30 books in 2019
  2. Re-read 2 books 
  3. Run a sub 30 park run 
  4. Pass Level 2 BSL
  5. Develop a skill (Options include knife skills, foraging, homemade pasta, driving)
  6. Explore London (1 site/event per month)
  7. Long weekend to Scotland.